Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So when I was in Seattle, Audrey and Toren kept telling me about the Fitbit and how much they both love having one. Monday, I spent probably an hour researching the Fitbit, reading reviews, and watching youtube videos.

And I caved and walked to Target and bought one. Literally I walked to Target. Granted that sounds a lot more intense on the blog than in real life where the store is maybe an 8 minute walk door to door from our apartment.

I love it.

I've only had it two days, but I love it.

For those of you that haven't heard of it, Fitbit is a pedometer - and I could have bought a regular pedometer that's cheaper. What I like about the Fitbit, is it syncs with the (free) Fitbit app on my phone and with my online Fitbit account. Using the Fitbit account and my new little Fitbit Zip helps me to regulate my calorie intake based off of my physical activity.

Studies have shown that those who want to lose, or even maintain, weight have more success if they document it. And so I do. I document everything I eat and drink and based off of the news from my little Zip, it tells me how much more I can eat during the day. So it can fluctuate from day to day based off of my physical activity.

It's so cute. I love my little Zip.

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